True bugs of the Pannonian sandy grasslands (2023-2024)

After years of work on true bugs of the Pannonian saline habitats with a focus on saline grasslands, our team became specialized in grassland communities and has participated in several other research projects on grassland true bugs in Serbia and…
The first butterfly watching weekend

Mt. Kosmaj was on April 9 and 10 the venue of “The first butterfly watching weekend” in Serbia. It was attended by 25 participants and 5 coordinators from our team (Boženka Hric, Bojana Nadaždin, Milan Đurić, Filip Vukajlović and Ivan…
Membership cards for 2022 are ready!

We prepared new membership cards that contain picture of newly discovered butterfly for Serbia – Tarucus balkanicus. You can support our activities either by paying membership or by buying our publications:
Achievements in 2021

Although in 2021. we didn’t break record with new data, our database Alciphron nicely progressed and reached almost 430.000 records. We achieved very good results in realization of monitoring projects in protected areas. Soon will be accessible full list of…
The photo-exhibition “Saline habitats of Vojvodina up-close”

We managed to organize a promotional photo exhibition at the Department of Biology and Ecology, the University of Novi Sad, in collaboration with colleagues from the Scientific Research Society of Biology and Ecology Students “Josif Pančić” from Novi Sad. The…
True bugs of Vojvodina saline habitats – part III (2019-2020)

The initial idea of our project and the start of our research on true bugs of saline habitats in Vojvodina are described on pages containing details of projects from 2015 and 2017. The importance of insect communities and saline habitats,…
Activities accomplished in 2020

We always spend the end of the year summarizing the data collected in our database for collecting data on the insects of Serbia „Alciphron“, preparing awards for database users and improving the database. In the last months of 2020, a…
Membership Cards 2020

New membership cards have been made for the 2020 and we invite all interested to contact us and officially become a member of HabiProt. You can follow all activities on our website and FB page. We hope that…
Our study on true bugs of saline grasslands in Vojvodina continues (2019-2020)

Our research on true bugs of saline (halophytic) habitats of the Vojvodina Province started five years ago. In 2019 we were awarded by a Booster Grant of the Rufford Foundation to continue our research on true bug ecology and conservation…