Now you can visit online a presentation illustrating our database on insects of Serbia. Just click on the link on left hand side and take a look, althought it is in Serbian it is pretty easy to navigate. If you…
Workshop at Avala
We held a small workshop on 5-7 December 2014 in order to agree on directions of further development to enlarge a network for insect recording in Serbia were agreed upon. Editorial team is now much stronger and dynamics of uploading data…
Scarce Large Blue in Serbia – what are they up to? (2014)
With a support from Butterfly Conservation Europe we started research of Scarce Large Blue at the single known locality in Serbia, near Subotica. It showed local populations are totalling some 10,000 specimens and are directly dedpendable on manner wet meadows…
Butterfly monitoring in Stara Planina (2014)
Bilingual book systematically presents results of our long-term study of butterflies of Stara Planina and shows this is the richest area in Serbia.
Enlarging network for recording butterflies in Serbia (2014)
For the first time we have one project supported by the Ministry of agriculture and environmental protection, although we had to finish it in exceptionally short time. The results are the website on on insects of Serbia, a workshop at…
Field trips
In order to attract more enthusiasts, we will try to show our excursions in a different manner. Report is in Serbian only, but you might find photos interesting. Homolje 9/11 maj 2014.
Endangered Serbian Butterflies II (2014)
The success of the first project led to its continuation. The results of this second project can be seen here.
Entomological vocabulary
Wishing to help those interested in insects and having in mind lack of literature in Serbian, we prepared specialized entomological vocabulary. Web page is available in Serbian.
Database jubilee
Database on insects of Serbia exceeded 100 000 records! It contains 5000 species and thousands of photographs. More on the database in Activities.
In accordance with the times, we prepare electonic editions on wildlife of Serbia. So far, Serbian, English and Dutch version of Butterfly field guide are ready. We hope number of titles will grow fast. Here you can find what e-books…