Dr Filip Vukajlović
– Strižibube, skladišne štetočine
e-adresa: filip.vukajlovic@pmf.kg.ac.rs, ResearchGate profil
- Vukajlović F., Tot I., Đurić M., Ilić N. 2019: Strižibube (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Predela izuzetnih odlika “Ovčarsko-kablarska klisura” (Zapadna Srbija). Rezimei XII Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem. Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, Srbija, 25-29. septembar 2019, p. 58-59.
- Vukajlović F., Tot I., Ilić N. 2019: Kritički osvrt na predloženu listu vrsta strižibuba (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) od značaja za zaštitu u Republici Srbiji. Rezimei XII Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem. Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, Srbija, 25-29. septembar 2019, p. 58.
- Vukajlović F., Tot I., Nadaždin B., Ilić N. 2019: Novi nalazi strižibube Deilus fugax (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) u Srbiji. Rezimei XII Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem. Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, Srbija, 25-29. septembar 2019, p. 57.
- Perišić V., Perišić V., Vukajlović F., Predojević D., Pešić S. 2019: Efikasnost diatomejske zemlje poreklom iz Srbije u suzbijanju Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) na pšenici. Rezimei XII Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem. Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, Srbija, 25-29. septembar 2019, p. 34.
- Predojević D., Vukajlović F., Pešić S. 2019: Repelentni i atraktantni potencijal praha gajenog ruzmarina (Lamiaceae: Rosmarinus officinalis L.) u odnosu na Rhyzopertha dominica F. i Sitophilus oryzae L. Rezimei XII Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem. Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, Srbija, 25-29. septembar 2019, p. 35-36.
- Vukajlović F., Tot I. 2019: Ovčarsko-kablarska klisura – najjužnija granica areala vrste Oberea moravica (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Beležnik Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure 8: 17-21.
- Vukajlović F.N., Predojević D.Z., Miljković K.O., Tanasković S.T., Gvozdenac S.M., Perišić V.M., Grbović F.J., Pešić S.B. 2019: Life history of Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on dried fruits and nuts: Effects of macronutrients and secondary metabolites on immature stages. Journal of Stored Product Research 83: 243-253.
- Milutinović M., Čurović D., Nikodijević D., Vukajlović F., Predojević D., Marković S., Pešić S. 2019: The silk of Plodia interpunctella as a potential biomaterial and its cytotoxic effect on cancer cells. Animal Biotechnology 29(4): 1-8.
- Vukajlović F., Pešić S., Tanasković S., Predojević D., Gvozdenac S., Prvulović D., Bursić V. 2019: Efficacy of Echium spp. water extracts as post-harvest grain protectants against Plodia interpunctella. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, (in press)
- Perišić V., Perišić V., Hadnađev M., Ðekić V., Dapčević-Hadnađev T., Vuković S., Vukajlović F. 2019: Impact of diatomaceous earth application on the rheological properties of wheat, triticale and rye flour dough. Journal of Stored Product Research 82: 91-97.
- Gvozdenac S.M., Prvulović D.M., Radovanović D.M., Ovuka J.S., Miklič V.J., Ačanski J.M., Tanasković S.T., Vukajlović F.N. 2018: Life history of Plodia interpunctella Hübner on sunflower seeds: Effects of seed qualitative traits and the initial seed damage. Journal of Stored Product Research 79: 89-97.
- Pešić S., Vukajlović F., Tot I. 2018: A preliminary study of the summer aspect of weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) fauna of the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge (Western Serbia). Acta Entomologica Serbica 23(2): 1-14.
- Gvozdenac S., Mitrović B., Tanasković S., Ovuka J., Vukajlović F., Tatić M., Bursić V. 2018: Suitability of different maize hybrids for development of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner). Acta Agriculturae Serbica Vol. XXIII, 45: 3-13.
- Perišić V., Perišić V., Vukajlović F., Pešić S., Predojević D., Đekić V., Luković K. 2018: Feeding preferences and progeny production of Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in small grains. Biologica Nyssiana 9(1): 55-61
- Perišić V., Hadnađev M., Perišić V., Vukajlović F., Dapčević-Hadnađev T., Luković K., Đekić V. 2018: Technological quality of wheat infested with Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Advanced technologies 7(1): 35-40.
- Vukajlović F., Predojević D., Tanasković S., Miljković K., Gvozdenac S., Perišić V., Pešić S. 2018: Susceptibility of dried berries to infestation by Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in correlation with total sugar content. Proceedings of the 12th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection (IWCSPP), Vol. 1, Berlin, Germany, October 7-11, 2018, p. 189-193.
- Gvozdenac S., Milošević B., Dolapčev A., Ovuka J., Tatić M., Tanasković S., Vukajlović F. 2018: Suitability of Poaceae seeds for Plodia interpunctella development. Proceedings of the 12th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection (IWCSPP), Vol. 1, Berlin, Germany, October 7-11, 2018, p. 145-151.
- Predojević D., Vukajlović F., Gvozdenac S., Tanasković S., Pešić S. 2018: Larvicidna efikasnost vodenih ekstrakata Verbascum spp. u suzbijanju Plodia interpunctella (Hübner, 1813) na pšenici. Knjiga sažetaka Drugog kongresa biologa Srbije, Kladovo, Srbija, 25-30. septembar 2018, p. 99.
- Vukajlović F., Predojević D., Tanasković S., Miljković K., Gvozdenac S., Perišić V., Pešić S. 2018: Parametri tablica života populacija Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) odgajanih na tri vrste orašastih plodova. Knjiga sažetaka Drugog kongresa biologa Srbije, Kladovo, Srbija, 25-30. septembar 2018, p. 103.
- Milutinović M., Čurović D., Cvetković D., Nikodijević D., Vukajlović F., Predojević D., Jovankić J., Pešić S., Marković S. 2018: Svila moljca Plodia interpunctella kao potencijalni biomaterijal i citotoksični agens na HCT-116 ćelijama karcinoma kolona. Knjiga sažetaka Drugog kongresa biologa Srbije, Kladovo, Srbija, 25-30. septembar 2018, p. 277.
- Vukajlović F., Tot I. 2018: Najjužniji nalaz vrste Oberea moravica (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Knjiga sažetaka Drugog kongresa biologa Srbije, Kladovo, Srbija, 25-30. septembar 2018, p. 302.
- Perišić V., Vuković S., Perišić V., Pešić S., Vukajlović F., Andrić G., Kljajić P. 2017: Insecticidal activity of three diatomaceous earths on lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F., and their effects on wheat, barley, rye, oats and triticale grain properties. Journal of Stored Product Research 75: 38-46.
- Predojević D.Z., Vukajlović F.N., Tanasković S.T., Gvozdenac S.M., Pešić S.B. 2017: Influence of maize kernel state and type on life history of Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Stored Product Research 72: 121-127.
- Vukajlović F.N., Predojević D.Z., Milošević S.D., Radulović D.R, Pešić S.B. 2017: Survival rate of Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on different states of wheat and rye kernels previously infested by beetle pests. Kragujevac Journal of Science 39: 201-208.
- Vukajlović F., Predojević D., Perišić V., Gvozdenac S., Tanasković S., Pešić S. 2017: Otpornost sušenih plodova šljive, kajsije i višnje na infestaciju Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Zbornik radova XXII Savetovanja o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Vol. 22(1), Čačak, Srbija, 10-11. mart 2017, p. 345-352.
- Gvozdenac S., Prvulović D., Tanasković S., Bursić V., Tatić M., Ovuka J., Vukajlović F. 2017: Plant-based preparations as potential grain protectants against Sitophilus oryzae L. Fifth International conference sustainable postharvest and food technologies – INOPTEP 2017 and 29th National conference processing and energy in agriculture – PTEP 2017, Vršac, Serbia, April 23-28 2017, p. 131-135.
- Gvozdenac S., Prvulović D., Bursić V., Tanasković S., Tatić M., Ovuka J., Vukajlović F. 2017: Insecticidal and antifeeding activity of several botanicals against Rhyzopertha dominica Fabricius. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group on the “Integrated Protection of Stored Products”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 3-5. July 2017, 21.
- Vukajlović F., Predojević D., Perišić V., Pešić S. 2017: Efficacy of natural diatomaceous earth products from Serbia against the fifth larval instar of Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group on the “Integrated Protection of Stored Products”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 3-5. July 2017, 88.
- Tanasković S., Gvozdenac S., Vukajlović F., Pešić S., Miljković K., Predojević D. 2017: Losses of walnut, almond and hazelnut kernels as a result of Plodia interpunctella larval feeding. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group on the “Integrated Protection of Stored Products”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 3-5. July 2017, 90.
- Gvozdenac S., Tanasković S., Ovuka J., Miklič V., Tatić M., Prvulović D., Vukajlović F. 2017: Plodia interpunctella Hübner – primary or secondary pest of sunflower seeds in Serbia. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group on the “Integrated Protection of Stored Products”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 3-5. July 2017, 91.
- Tanasković S., Gvozdenac S., Vukajlović F., Pešić S., Miljković K., Predojević D. 2017: The impact of walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts as a nutrient medium on larval development of Plodia interpunctella. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group on the “Integrated Protection of Stored Products”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 3-5. July 2017, p. 121.
- Vukajlović F., Predojević D., Pešić S. 2017: Development of Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on three maize hybrids from Serbia. Proceedings of the Conference of Agronomy students with international participation, Vol. 10, Čačak, Serbia, August 23-25 2017, p. 119-127.
- Pešić S., Vukajlović F., Tot I. 2017: Preliminarna analiza faune surlaša (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure. Zbornik rezimea XI Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem. Nastavna baza „Goč“, Goč, Srbija, 17-21. septembar 2017, p. 74-75.
- Vukajlović F., Predojević D., Cvetković S., Pešić S. 2017: Biološki parametri razvića Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) gajene u posudama od stakla, PP- i PET plastike. Zbornik rezimea XI Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem. Nastavna baza „Goč“, Goč, Srbija, 17-21. septembar 2017, p. 108-109.
- Grbović F., Stanković M.S., Vukajlović F., Branković S., Simić Z., Topuzović M. 2016: Comparative study of the accumulation of metals in the plant Polygonum aviculare L. from different sites in the city of Kragujevac. Biologia Serbica 38(1): 12-17.
- Predojević D., Vukajlović F., Živanović D., Tanasković S., Pešić S. 2016: Zavisnost brzine razvića Plodia interpunctella od veličine životnog prostora i količine dostupne hrane. Zbornik radova XXI Savetovanja o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Vol. 21(1), Čačak, Srbija, 11-12. mart 2016, p. 353-358.
- Vukajlović F., Živanović N. 2015: The longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of the city of Kragujevac (Central Serbia). Kragujevac Journal of Science 37: 149-160.
- Kočović D., Spasić V., Vukajlović F., Pešić S. 2015: Zavisnost dinamike bioloških funkcija bakrenastog plamenca Plodia interpunctella (Hübner, 1813) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) od tipa kukuruza. Rezimei X Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije 2015 sa međunarodnim učešćem, Kladovo, Srbija, 23-27. septembar 2015, p. 37.
- Vukajlović F., Vuković N., Vukić M., Pešić S. 2015: Odbrambeni sekreti vrste Meloe proscarabaeus Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera, Meloidae). Rezimei X Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije 2015 sa međunarodnim učešćem, Kladovo, Srbija, 23-27. septembar 2015, p. 39./li>
- Vukajlović F., Živanović N. 2014: The longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of the Gledić Mountains (Central Serbia), Kragujevac Journal of Science 36, p. 195-202.
- Vasić S., Vukajlović F., Radojević I., Stefanović O., Pešić S., Čomić, Lj. 2014: Antimicrobial effects of a silken web produced by the larvae of Plodia interpunctella, Book of Abstracts, III International Conference on Antimicrobial Research Madrid, p. 73.
- Vukajlović F., Živanović N. 2014: The longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of the Gledić Mountains (Central Serbia), Kragujevac Journal of Science 36, p. 195-202.
- Vukajlović F., Pešić S., Tanasković S. 2013: Effects of water extracts of three species of genus Echium in supression of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner 1813) on wheat, Proceedings of international Entomology simposium Tara, p. 38 [In Serbian]
- Tanasković S., Madić M., Đurović D., Knežević D., Vukajlović F. 2012: Susceptibility of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopa L.) in winter wheat to various foliar insecticides in Western Serbia region, Romanian Agricultural Research 29, p. 361-366
- Vukajlović F., Pešić S., Živanović D., Milošević S., Tanasković S., Knežević D. 2012: Effects of Daucus carota L. and Morus alba L. extracts on Plodia interpunctella Hbn. (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) larvae mortality, Abstract Book of 6th Central European Congress on Food Novi Sad, p. 279.
- Vukajlović F., Pešić S. 2012: Contribution to the studies of the Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella Hbn. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) fecundity depending on diet type, Kragujevac Journal of Science 34, p. 107-115.
- Vukajlović F., Pešić S., Tanasković S., Knežević D. 2012: Effects of Echium italicum L. extract on Plodia interpunctella Hbn. (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) larvae mortality, Book of abstracts of 47th Croatian & 7th International Symposium on Agriculture, Opatija, p. 147.
- Vukajlović F., Pešić S. 2011: Biology of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner, 1813), Proceedings of international conference Čačak, p. 441-445
- Vukajlović F., Pešić S. 2011: Preliminary results of dependence of diet type on fecundity of Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella Hbn.), Simpozijum Entomologa Srbije 2011 sa međunarodnim učešćem. Donji Milanovac, p. 55.
- Damjanović J., Tot I., Petrović D., Đurić M., Vukajlović F. 2019: Fauna bubamara (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure. Beležnik Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure 10: 7-13.
- Tot, I., Đurić, M., Vukajlović, F., Vujić, M. 2021: Little tiger blue, Tarucus balkanicus (Freyer, 1845) – a new butterfly species in the fauna of Serbia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Acta Entomologica Serbica 26(2): 85-88.
- Vukajlović F., Tot I., Vujić M., Nadaždin B., Pešić S., Đurić M. 2022: Prvi nalaz vrste Muzimes collaris (Coleoptera: Meloidae) u Srbiji. Rezimei XIII Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije. Univerzitet u Nišu, Pirot, Srbija, 14-16. septembar 2022.
- Pešić S, Tot I,Vukajlović F., Vujić M. 2022: Prvi podaci o fauni surlaša (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) u Predelu izuzetnih odlika “Vlasina”. Rezimei XIII Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije. Univerzitet u Nišu, Pirot, Srbija, 14-16. septembar 2022.
- Đurić M, Tot I, Vujić M, Vukajlović F. 2022: Poređenje dnevnih leptira evidentiranih u dolini Pčinje i Preševskoj kotlini. Rezimei XIII Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije. Univerzitet u Nišu, Pirot, Srbija, 14-16. septembar 2022.