Jelena Šeat
Fauna and ecology of true bugs
e-mail:, ResearchGate profile
- Šeat J. 2011: True bugs (Heteroptera) of Pčinja Valley (Serbia), Acta entomologica serbica 16 (1/2), p. 9-24.
- Šeat J. 2013: True bugs (Heteroptera) of Stara Planina Mountain (Serbia), Acta entomologica serbica 18 (1/2), p. 17-41.
- Popović M., Šeat J., Ilić N., Ðurić M. 2013: New findings of Theophilea subcylindricollis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Serbia, Acta entomologica serbica 18 (1/2), p. 237-240.
- Šeat J. 2013: True bugs (Heteroptera) in the Alciphron database. IX Symposium of entomologists of Serbia 2013, 18-22 September, Tara, Serbia. Entomological society of Serbia, 36 p.
- Šeat J. 2015: Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) a new invasive species in Serbia. Acta entomologica serbica 20: 167-171.
- Šeat J., Nadaždin B. 2015: Overview of the true bug (Heteroptera) fauna of the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge. Beležnik Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure 6 (1): 38-47.
- Šeat J., Nadaždin B., Tot I. 2015: True bugs (Heteroptera) of Saline Habitats in Vojvodina Province – Preliminary results. X Symposium of entomologist of Serbia 2015, 23-27 September, Kladovo, Serbia. Entomological society of Serbia, 11 p.
- Šeat J. 2016: True Bugs (Heteroptera) of Halophytic Habitats in Vojvodina. Nature knows no boundaries ̶ Rufford Small Grants Conference, 21-22 March, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of Abstracts, 31 p.
- Protić Lj., Šeat J. 2016: First records of the alien sycamore seed bug Belonochilus numenius in Serbia (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). Acta entomologica serbica 21: 13-19.
- Popović M., Šašić M., Medenica I., Šeat J., Đurđević A., Crnobrnja-Isailović J. 2016: Living on the edge: population ecology of Phengaris teleius in Serbia. Journal of Insect Conservation … DOI 10.1007/s10841-016-9922-6
- Šeat J., Nadaždin B., Cvetković M., Jovanov A., Tot I. 2017: Providing a base for conservation of true bugs (Insecta, Heteroptera) and their saline habitats in Vojvodina (northern Serbia). Hyla 2016 (1): 19-23.
- Šeat J., 2017: Invasive true bugs in the “Alciphron” database of insects of Serbia. XI Symposium of entomologist of Serbia 2017, 17-21 September, Goč, Serbia. Entomological society of Serbia, 112-113 pp.
- Nadaždin B., Šeat J. 2017: Fauna of true bugs (Heteroptera) of the steppe and saline habitats in the Special Nature Reserve “Selevenjske pustare”. XI Symposium of entomologist of Serbia 2017, 17-21 September, Goč, Serbia, 97-98 pp.
- Protić Lj., Šćiban M., Šeat J., Stanković M. 2017: True bug fauna (Insecta: Heteroptera) of the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve. Naučno-stručni skup o biodiverzitetu i drugim vrednostima rezervata Zasavica “Zasavica 2017”, Sremska Mitrovica, Srbija, 117-127 pp.
- Šeat J. 2017: Contribution to the knowledge on true bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera) of Vlasina. Zaštita prirode 67 (1/2): 43-54.
- Šeat J., Kaur H., Gallé R., Torma A. 2018: The role of road verges as secoundary linear habitats for forest steppe Heteroptera. 8th European Hemiptera Congress, 24-29 Jun 2018, Zawiercie, Poland. Book of Abstracts, 61 p.
- Šeat J., Torma A. 2018: Seasonal changes of Heteroptera assemblages in Pannonian salt grasslands of Serbia. 8th European Hemiptera Congress, 24-29 Jun 2018, Zawiercie, Poland. Book of Abstracts, 120 p.
- Torma A., Šeat J., Császár P. 2018: Effect of grazing and mowing on Heteroptera assemblages in Hungarian salt grasslands. 8th European Hemiptera Congress, 24-29 Jun 2018, Zawiercie, Poland. Book of Abstracts, 125 p.
- Šeat J. 2018: True Bugs (Heteroptera) of Saline Grasslands in Serbian Banat. 3rd Rufford Small Grants Conference ̶ Explore and protect the natural beauty of Balkans, 27-28 September, Srebrno jezero, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, 18 p.
- Šeat J., Nadaždin B. 2018: The true bugs (Insecta, Heteroptera) of the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge. Beležnik Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure 8: 8-16.
- Šeat J., Vujić M., Nadaždin B. 2019: New faunal data on true bugs (Heteroptera) in Serbia. Acta entomologica serbica 24(1): 95-99. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2648459
- Šeat J., Torma A. 2019: Role of landscape composition and management in shaping true bug communities of Serbian saline grasslands. Student Conference on Conservation Science, 27-31 August 2019, Tihany, Hungary.
- Kaur H., Torma A., Gallé‑Szpisjak N., Šeat J., Lőrinczi G., Módra G., Gallé R. 2019: Road verges are important secondary habitats for grassland arthropods. Journal of Insect Conservation. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-019-00171-9
- Nadaždin B., Šeat J. 2019: Značajni nalazi stenica (Insecta: Heteroptera) u bazi „Alciphron“. XII Symposium of entomologist of Serbia, 25-29 September 2019, Niš, Serbia, 30 p.
- Nadaždin B., Šeat J. 2019: Prilog poznavanju faune stenica (Insecta: Heteroptera) Pčinjskog kraja. XII Symposium of entomologist of Serbia, 25-29 September 2019, Niš, Serbia, 30-31 pp.
- Šeat J., Attila Torma 2019: Uloga stenica (Heteroptera) u brzoj proceni kvaliteta slatinskih pašnjaka u Vojvodini. XII Symposium of entomologist of Serbia, 25-29 September 2019, Niš, Serbia, 31 p.
- Šeat J., Nadaždin B., Šćiban M. 2020: Acrosternum heegeri (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Serbia. Acta entomologica serbica, 2020, 25(1): 77-81. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3871640
- Šeat J., Nadaždin B., Milić N., Ćuk M., Torma A. 2020: How steady is the nested pattern in saline grassland true bug communities? Effects of sampling effort and data completeness on nestedness. Acta Oecologica 110 (2021) 103670. DOI: 10.1016/j.actao.2020.103670
- Šeat J., Nadaždin B. 2021: True bugs (Heteroptera) of the Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes in Serbia and their conservation status in the Pannonian countries. Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.). DOI: 10.1080/00379271.2021.1888155
- Šeat J., Torma A. 2022: Uloga drenažnih kanala u konzervaciji slatinskih stenica (Heteroptera). Rezimei XIII Simpozijuma entomologa Srbije. Univerzitet u Nišu, Pirot, Srbija, 14-16. septembar 2022.